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Naturalist, Falconer, Father, Networker

A little about me, My Name is Jeremy Pottenger. I am a Relative of Dr. Pottenger, from the Pottenger Cats Studies. He is the man responsible for studying the effects of processed food on the body and his results helped shape the modern age of Nutritional facts. His other efforts in natural medicine from the early 1900’s have been published in many medical journals. It is my mission to helped continue his efforts in Natural medicine awareness.

I am a Falconer by hobby, and trade. in other words, I train and work with live birds of prey, or Raptors. Over the past 9 years of traveling the country and providing protection for Orchards, Vineyards, Refineries, and Composting facilities. I have noticed a huge problem that is affecting every living thing on this planet. From Bird to bee, fish to flee, fur to feather, and skin alike. We are all on a path towards being over run with waste. Toxic waste… (to be continued)

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