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Riding the winds

Solomon says everything in life is like a chasing after the winds. So if it all has been done before, why not ride the winds on wings like eagles? Ecc 2:11, Isaiah 40:31

My Paraglider captures the rising air and transfers it into lift. It fills my sails so nicely as it bounces and shifts. Struggling to capture those rising air currents is liken to riding a buckin bronco, or riding a wave as it crests and crashes.

Surfing the edges of air currents close to the ground is dangerous, the air is always churning, bubbling. So the question remains what if one could ride the clouds across the western skys? Would that still qualify as “chasing the wind”? Sailing as high as a cloud. I bet the views are so nice. I’ve never been above 10,000’ except inside a tin can. One with motor and wings… what do the leaves know that I don’t?

To master the art of the floating leaf, as Kregal the Eagle, world famous Paraglider pilot, so gently puts it… “fly the day, not what you “think” the air is doing!”

Much like the passage that say, “Don’t worry about the morrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own!” Matthew 6:24

Another quest begins… onward to 15,000 feet

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