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Recovering from surgery. How CBD and essential oils, saved my Life and Limb. (Part 1)

If you’ve ever been “under the knife” you know the possibility of complication and infection is a real obstacle. Anytime the skin is broken infection and sepsis are a real concern.

At this moment I would like to explain that, I am not a Doctor. I do not have any medical degrees other than my Master Falconers license, I am completely uncertified. That being said…I have studied, fought, and won the battle of infection on many different fronts, both at home and in the field. With the Lords, plant and Modern medical sciences help!

Fighting the microbial war is not an easily won battle.

Even the best and most studied minds in medical science will tell you, they do not fully understand how the victory is made between the Immune system and the millions of microbes that Inhabit this planet. Myself, being on the frontlines of decomposition and waste disposal for the last 5 years. I have encountered millions maybe even trillions of different bacteria, viruses, and fungi…But I am getting off subject.

This is one of the scariest battles I have faced. Not because of the pandemic, bull dozers, pesticides, herbicides, but because the infection was now within my own body!

After my initial healing from my Paragliding accident:: (Read “the Ordeal” blog post on this page) I had to go back into surgery to remove the first set of hardware, pinning my right foot and holding my left shin in place.

Everything was going as expected for the first 7 days but as we neared day 8 or 9. I noticed my shin and knee were starting to swell, where the surgeon had removed the steel plate from my shin. A 6 inch incision had to be made. 10 days in, I started feeling feverish and the swelling was getting worse. So I removed the bandage and found a 1 cm wound had still not sealed and was draining puss and fluid by the minute. Having not opened the wrap since the surgery had taken place I had no idea what could have gone wrong. Being Friday evening and the follow up appointment being 5 days away I decided to change the dressing and start treating holistically at home. The next bit of this article will go through some of my protocol::

Initial application of Myrr, Patchouli, Palo Santo, lavender, lemongrass, Rosemary, Oregano, and Tea Tree oils. I mix 3-4 drops of these oils in my palm with Coconut Oil as a dilution and base. Apply liberally 2-3x daily applying new gauze and wrapping with 3m Elastic Vet wrap each time.

By combining the Coconut Oil along with “Animal Scents” essential oils blend from Young Living EO. I followed my own treatment protocols that I have developed, by reading the recommendations of other holistic healers, and discovered along the journey.

By combining the Coconut Oil along with “Animal Scents” essential oils blend from Young Living EO. I followed my own treatment protocols that I have developed, by reading the recommendations of other holistic healers, and discovered along the journey.

FYI, I have been using this combination on minor cuts on my falcon’s leg and tarsi on the wounds they received in the Landfill, for years.

But this time it’s my leg on the line.

An infection at this height, directly under the knee, could most certainly lead to amputation.

Results and recovery time will continue in the next post to follow…


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